Health is Wealth
7.5 Billion People,
One Person at a Time

At VFFF we serve all people. Health is imperative to our survivability and sustainability, globally. Its availability or lack extrapolates into populations, societies, families, generations. We are uniting leaders under a common goal: to protect and improve people's wellbeing.

Personal health affords a level of creative freedom to turn experiential learning into knowledge for a life lived well. Our global health programs support knowledge acquisition and sharing, and proven technology, to overcome humanity's ever-expanding and urgent problem: available, science-based, usable, and accessible global population health data, inclusive of genomic detail.

Together with our partners, we set forth to assist people to become healthy, wealthy, and wise. We combine human expertise and advanced technological capabilities to promote education, create self-sufficiency, and support economic development across the system of care.

Population Health

2022 and beyond marks the Age of Information, this includes health data. We will understand and apply it, intelligently for under-served populations.

Advancing Humanity's Global Health Systems

Availability, Access, and Applicability to quality care, for everyone, is our goal.

Health Knowledge-sharing

We are evolving healthy lifestyle educational frameworks to include disease management and avoidance with particular importance for African descent and under-represented populations


We empower those in need and those serving in need populations: Elderly, Abandoned, Disabled, Emerging to aid displaced people in securing counseling, housing, clothing, and other essentials to sustain a better life.

Partnering with the Best and the Brightest

We partner with those leading at the front-edge of their companies, governments, and tribes to bring value where it's needed, and in ways that can be sustainably embodied. Our programs reach the young, old, educated, uneducated, wealthy, poor, healthy, disabled, influential, and humbly underserved people, globally. Together we create and operationalize programs that make a difference in lives through

  • Digital, Audio, Visual, and Data Communication and Information Technology Use Cases

  • Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing Techniques, and Best Practices K-12, Higher Ed, Adult learning

  • Innovative Solutions that Support Humanity's Sustainability: energy, food science, affordable housing, communication technology, population health and wellbeing, and welfare economics.